Number #1 represents the #Sun , the #King of all the #globes . Hence, people whose #birth #dates sum up to #Number 1 are #bootstrappers and are veritably #energetic . These people are commanding, assertive, and determined #personalities by #nature , and hence, are #natural #leaders . They can not be forced into doing anything unless they #wish to do it themselves. They #enthral high positions and are generally the #cappers, irrespective of the sphere of exertion. They like to enjoy the comforts of life and may not vacillate to spend #plutocraticall .
Numerology से जाने आपके आने वाला समय कैसा होगा या अपना व्यक्तित्व : Know your personality about yourself, your good and bad, how will be your future, and know your strength and weakness, what are your advantages and disadvantages.